Well, tonight Katie talked me into putting up the Christmas tree... to most people any time before Thankgiving is crazy, but this is better than past years. Last year we had out tree up in October, so this year we are a little more normal.
It was lots of fun! Everything is very new to Will which makes it so exciting to watch!! Tonight we wrapped Will up in Christmas light and he loved it! (until daddy took them from him because he was trying to eat them)
We are already in the Christmas spirit, we have the screen door open and it is about 65 degrees in the house, we have had Christmas music playing all night and Katie was even offering me Hot Chocolate!! I opted for the sweet tea instead, but it was still an option!
We put the tree up so early because we will be out of town for wuite some time during the holidays... Here is our vacation schedule...
Thanksgiving: November 26th - 29th with My Family in Jax.
Christmas #1: December 8th - 13th with Katies Family in Rhode Island
Christmas #2: December 22nd - 27th with My Family in Jax.
New Years Eve: HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!
Well, hopefully you can understand why we are getting ready for Christmas so early, because it will be over before we know it!!
This is definitely one of the most blessed Christmas's of my life! It will be so fun to be with friends and family throughout this entire holiday season!!
Thank You Lord for your Blessings!!!