Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ready for a vacation.

Well, once again, we had a great night in church tonight! I am so thankful for this ministry and this youth group. We had 6 first time visitors tonight! It was so exciting! I think that they really enjoyed it and I think that if we can assimilate them into the youth group then we could consistently average above 40 teens. That would be great!

I had a fun day at work today. I did a whole lot of reasearch into something called non ad valorem assessments. That is a crazy name that means: Another random tax to pay for city maintenance. Our church has to pay more and more each year, and it is getting to be a rediculous amount of money. So I looked into contacting our county commissioner and many other routes to find a way to lower this unnecessary tax. I think it would be INCREDIBLE to be responsible for making a difference that would save the church tens of thousands of dollars.

Pastor Chip and I spent more time today talking about the Choir's Christmas Schedule... It was funny... after working on it all day long, Pastor brought it to me 5 minutes before the service started and told me to check it out tonight... I told him to set it on the counter and I would not forget it... He said: "yeah right", so I told him to put it in my office so that I would not forget it...
I forgot it anyway :)

I will listen to it first thing tomorrow morning! :)

I am excited about it: I think that we are going to go with the Splendor of Christmas. I LOVE IT! It definitely pushes that Christmas spirit... Lets just say, I am already in the mood for Christmas!!!

Well, I will finish with information about Gustov... the latest hurricane. The news tonight said that it could potentially become a category 5 hurricane and it is headed straight for New Orleans. Wow! Most of that city is still not restored from Katrina. That is terribly sad! I would LOVE for it to come here instead! (because if it were to come here, it would not have time to strengthen and it would only be a category 1)

Well... Do your devotions! We had a great study today of the story of Lot. He chose to entertain himself with sin instead of Turning away from it! As I watched "America's Got Talent" last night... I was reminded how easy it is to be like Lot and "entertain" myself with sin.

When as you think about most of the entertainment on those shows... it is disguisting! Lord help me and my family and my youth group entertain ourselves with things that please you!

Well, You are now updated on the life of Lee! :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

i love my family

I have had some great days in the last week. I am so thankful for the Lords blessings!

We had a great day again at church yesterday! It was very exciting and then after the evening service Katie and I went out with the youth group and a few others to Jason's Deli. There were 28 people there from our church. It was fun to go in there and take over the place.

Katie and I came home after that to watch the closing ceremony of the olympics. Wow! That was fantastic. It was absolutely... (whatever that word is that means you cannot take your eyes off of it!)

Today I went to work and had lots of fun hanging out with pastor Chip. I was in his office for a few office talking about everything from Praise Team, a few new music groups that we are starting, the Christmas Performance this year, and any other rabbit trails that we decided to run with! I enjoyed it thoroughly! :)

We also planned almost every Sunday for the rest of the year!! Wow! It is nice to know we are so far ahead. We planned a Series on Marriage, a series on our public responsibility (including a voting registration sunday), a Series on Stewardship and a few other things!!

Well, I had a very productful day! I even managed to win in a game of Command and Conquer III Tiberean wars! It was nice.

I am about to post the devotions for tomorrow and then I will probably be going to bed!

I will write more soon!

Well everyone! This is the new

Not that I expect any of you to read about my life... if nothing else that makes it easier for me to get to my blog.

I have ahd a great week, but I am eating some delicious dinner that my wonderful wife just made, so I will come on later to tell you all about my busy week!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Encouraging Night at Church

I am so thankful for nights like tonight... It is like the dessert of the week. God brings just the perfect people and they say the perfect things and it encourages you to go on for another year or two. :)

What an encouraging service we had. It may sound silly, but I love it when we come up with a game that our teens enjoy. I don't think that I will ever understand how to pick them. If I spend an hour coming up with what would seem to be an incredible game; it will bomb. But if I come up with something 5 minutes before the service as simple as lifting weights, the teens go crazy! I must say: I won the weight lifting competition tonight. I made my wife and son proud! :) LOL

Well, I preached on Job tonight and how he kept his faith through the trials he faced. It blows my mind, to think about what our teenagers go through, the trials they have faced, and are currently facing. I am praying for several of them specifically, and I need to pray more. Some of these teenagers are a modern day example of Joseph... they are living in a prison as they try to honor God and obey Him.

It was a great night! Thank you God!

Lightning Bolt beat the world record for the men's 200 tonight!!!
Very Cool!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My First Post

It is a little tough to hold Will and type a nice long post, so this one will not be too long, hopefully it will be nice though...

Today is August 19th, 2008. Katie and I have been married for 2 years! It is hard to believe that we have already been together for that long. I am realizing more and more just how fast time really does fly by. I am so blessed to have the Family that God has given me. My wonderful wife and my wonderful son bring so much joy to my life. I am a blessed man! Thank you God for giving me so much!!

Today was also the day that Tropical Storm Fay came to town. Our entire city shut down, for basically no reason. In the words of one of my teenagers: "We have thunderstorms worse than this all the time"

Katie and I had a nice relaxing day around the house. We slept in and then went shopping for a little bit in the afternoon after getting some chinese food for lunch at our new favorite chinese restaurant: China One.

Then we went to Kohls, Marshals and Circuit City. Will LOVED Circuit City!! He kept staring at something and I could not figure out what it was... then I caught him looking at it... He is a real man at heart. He could not take his eyes off all the big screen tv's on the other side of the store. It was hilarious! So I took him over and we walked all around the tv's. He realy seemed to enjoy it! He was definitely BORED TO DEATH comparitively at Marshalls. (Just like his Daddy) :)

Well I am looking forward to a nice evening resting, watching the olympics and maybe even playing a game or something. Tomorrow is Wednesday and those are always big days so we will see you then...