Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Encouraging Night at Church

I am so thankful for nights like tonight... It is like the dessert of the week. God brings just the perfect people and they say the perfect things and it encourages you to go on for another year or two. :)

What an encouraging service we had. It may sound silly, but I love it when we come up with a game that our teens enjoy. I don't think that I will ever understand how to pick them. If I spend an hour coming up with what would seem to be an incredible game; it will bomb. But if I come up with something 5 minutes before the service as simple as lifting weights, the teens go crazy! I must say: I won the weight lifting competition tonight. I made my wife and son proud! :) LOL

Well, I preached on Job tonight and how he kept his faith through the trials he faced. It blows my mind, to think about what our teenagers go through, the trials they have faced, and are currently facing. I am praying for several of them specifically, and I need to pray more. Some of these teenagers are a modern day example of Joseph... they are living in a prison as they try to honor God and obey Him.

It was a great night! Thank you God!

Lightning Bolt beat the world record for the men's 200 tonight!!!
Very Cool!

1 comment:

HADOKEN!!! said...

Pastor Lee I LOL at you saying LOL