Monday, November 3, 2008

What a week...

This has been some week. God has blessed in so many ways and although it was probably the busiest week I can ever remember, I am thankful for all of it!

A little over a week ago, Katies parents came into town and we went and closed on the new house in Sabal Trace Villas. So beginning last week, (one week ago today) we started moving into our new home. Monday and Tuesday were big moving days when I wasnt running to the printing company and the local public schools to put out the flyers for Trunk or Treat. Then Wednesday we had our Costume Party in the youth group. Thursday, I was at the dentinst early in the morning trying to get my crown glued back in. They told me if this glue does not work then they will have to make a whole new crown!!! Pray it works!! The rest of Thursday was a busy day of getting all of the last minute things ready for Trunk or Treat, and then Friday we were basically here setting up for Trunk or Treat all day.

Trunk or Treat was a great success! We had over 1,200 registered attenders. (that is not including any workers, church members, or road side parkers who just snuck in) We were able to get the gospel in every persons hand and also we were able to make many connections with people who said they would love to get more information about our church! What a blessing! We need to pray that we can reach those people who are interested and have them come to one of our services!

Then Saturday we had Men's Prayer Breakfast at 6:30 AM at Perkins in North Port. We had a record attendance of men. There were 22 of us there at 6:30 am! It was a great time of prayer and fun fellowship.

After prayer meeting we went back to the church to clean up from trunk or treat, and then we went and helped Barb Howes move everything from her storage unit back into her house.

Then, Sunday was our churches Anniversary Sunday!! It was such a great day!! We had a fun service in the morning and then we all went out to Port Charlotte Beach and ate and played games and spent the whole afternoon out there together just fellowshiping!

Last night Katie and I spent a nice evening at home and just relaxed and went to bed by 9:30. That was aearly, but it was nice.

In our devotions today we read Proverbs 3... I love verse 33. May we each seek to make our family the "godly" family simply because of our heart and our actions... That is what Joseph did... His entire family was blessed because He was faithful!

Pray for me this week... we have a potentially life changing decision to make by Friday. We are praying fervently and ask that you pray with us!

With Love, Lee

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I will be praying for you this week.