Tuesday, September 30, 2008

college days...

Well, today is Tuesday and we will be leaving the day after tomorrow to go to Jacksonville! How exciting! I wish that there were more teenagers going, but the ones that are going are truly going to have a great time!

I know that the only reason I ever went to Trinity is because I went there and saw it for myself... then I realized I could be a student here and It would be so great! Well, here I am 6 years later trying to share the same blessing in my life to teenagers in my youth group!

Teenagers if you are reading this: COME TO COLLEGE DAYS!!!

I am very excited about next year, because we are going to have a lot of teenagers that fit in the age bracket! It will be a great time!

Monday, September 29, 2008

what an interesting day...

Today was a busy day... Katie and I began the day by calling Will's doctor and scheduling an appointment for him. He has definitely been feeling under the weather so we wanted to get him checked out. His doctor told us that she needs to run some tests to find out if he has Bronchialitis. This is some kind of sickness where fluid is in the lungs and causes major congestion and weezing.

So we are running the tests and we will find out what is going on later this week.
Pray that he gets better as soon as possible! Especially by Thursday because we will be driving to Jacksonville then, and that would not be a fun trip if he is not happy.

Well, then I spent most of the rest of the day in meetings... Pastor Chip and I were in a meeting for a while and then Pastor Dick joined us. I am excited about the results of the meeting. Katie and I are still praying for Gods will, but we believe that He is making it more clear.

It is amazing: The devotions today really applied to everything we are praying about. Israel was not sure about what he should do... (whether he should go to Egypt or not, but God made it clear to him) God is also working in Katie and my life showing us what his plan is for us.

I am so thankful for my wife! She has been everything that I have needed and more. She has been a cheerleader, an advisor, a friend, an encouragement, a helpmeet and a wonderful mother. I love you Katie! Thanks for supporting me so wonderfully!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

God's Will?

no, this time I am not talking about my son... I am talking about life...

I am listening to one of my new favorite songs... "while I'm waiting" (listen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD8Z-m4jaYw )it is a song on Fireproof that has such powerful words. There have been few times in my life where I have been so unsure about what God is doing around me.

I can't be to specific on here, just incase someone actually reads this, but I am looking forward to reading some of my heart thoughts years from now, and you will all probably know exactly what I am talking about then...

Well, I have been praying for something to happen for God to show me something, and it did happen... but I am not sure if God is showing me what I thought he would, or If he is showing me a different path. That may make no sense to you if you don't know what I am praying about, but maybe one day you will.

It is so comforting to know that regardless of the trials and frustrations and dissapointments that life brings, God is in control. I dont question Gods goodness, even today I have quoted: "I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living"

I would love to share all of my thoughts, but it would not be te best right now. So I just ask you to pray for me, pray for our church, pray that Godly decisions will be made.

The nice thing is that even though I am not sure which path God would have me go down, I know that I ONLY WANT HIS WILL!!! Because His will has never let me down in the past and I don't ever see that happening in the future. I just want Gods will.

Pray that it will be made clear.

Friday, September 26, 2008

just goofing off...

hey guys, I was just playing around and creating a website... tell me what you think?


Monday, September 22, 2008

Ready for another great week!

Time sure is flying by so fast! I cannot believe we are nearing the end of September! Wow!

Well this was a great week, I got a lot accomplished every day! That was nice. It was quite a productful week!

But that is the semi-boring stuff, so I will tell you about the fun stuff this week!

1. I FINALLY got my phone working with my outlook on my computer! It is so nice! I had to use a bluetooth connection to sync it all up. It took some time, but it is definitely worth it. (This helps by having both of my calendars and my tasks list sync'd together) NICE!!!

2. I got to go to Magic Kingdom with our faithful devotioneers!! We went on Saturday and had the best time! We met at the church at 6:15am and got back home at 12:30am. It was a FAST and LONG day!!

My favorite parts:
1. Both of my Pinapple Dole Whip Floats!!! If anyone learns how to make those I would be forever indebted to you!!

2. The spectromagic parade. (even though they changed the masks on the spectromen!!! I was/ am so sad about that! They just dont look as great anymore!!)

3. Space Mountain. Both times, but especially the second time when I rode in the front and when John got off the ride screaming to everyone that He pee'd his pants!! He really did! wow!

4. I enjoyed sleeping on the Carousel of Progress. It is a good ride, but I needed a nap!!

5. I had fun taking pictures with Mallory and Maddison and their glow sitcks.

6. I got to eat at my two favorite restaurants: Pecos Bill, and Cosmic Rays

7. I had fun convincing Alex beals to ride goofy's roller coaster in kitty land.

8. I had fun talking to some GREAT teenagers all the way home about really serious stuff!

9. I had fun watching the fireworks at the end of the day!! They were GREAT!!

10. I had fun putting my head on pillow when I got home! I was SO TIRED!!!

Well, That is probably my top ten list for what I enjoyed the most on Saturday! It was a great trip! I am excited about rewarding our teenagers again soon!

Well, I am off to work now! Pray for me this week! I want to have a VERY PRODUCTFUL WEEK!!!

Love you all! Lee

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ninja Warrior Finale

Well, tonight is the last night of our Ninja Warrior series. I am pretty excited about it. We will be doing everything from a cricket eating contest to a blindfolded race outside, and a few other crazy games in between.

Tonight I will be speaking on The Weapon of a Ninja Warrior: A Two Edged Sword
Obviously we need to be using our weapon everyday, it is even sharper than a two edged sword! Well, if you read this before Wednesday, September 17th at 7:00pm then pray for us tonght. I believe we will have at least one unsaved teenager tonight probably more like 3 or 4. I want to present the gospel in a clear fashion to them tonight, and I want to do it in a way that encourages them to Accept Christ TONIGHT!! (without pushing them into a decision)

Well, I will run for now, but I will be back later. Today has been a nice day considering the circumstances of some bad news from several different families we know. I wil be praying for each one of those issues frequently. Satan is working HARD! But we have our weapon! the word of God!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

it has been so long...

wow... it seems like I have been on vacation in Jacksonville for quite some time! Ha! I have been home for quite a while, but I have been so busy that I have not had time to update this...

Well, since we have been home we have had many stresses, but even more blessings! Let me tell you all about it. Our new home is almost done... but we found out that we will not be able to move into it until the end of October. For a while there we literally thought we would be homeless unti lthe wonderful Mrs. Barb called and said that she would change her schedule so that we did not have to go live on the streets. Thank You Mrs. Barb! Thank you God!

Well, Katies parents just left yesterday after a week long visit with us! We had such a great time! We got to eat out at all of my favorite restaurants: Outback Steakhouse, Sonny's, and a couple others... We had a great time spending time with the family! Next time we hope that Hannah and backy get to come visit as well!! That would be so great!

One night while they were here we went to Boca Grande and went swimming on the beach. It was a lot of fun, however, Will did not enjoy the sand in all of his cracks and creveses. Praise The Lord I found a water hose and hosed him down so that he felt better!

There is much more to tell and so little time! I will come on here more often!


Friday, September 5, 2008

Relaxing in Jacksonville

Well, today is Friday and My family and I are in Jacksonville visiting my parents. We are really enjoying ourselves. My parents just put in a new pool and I spent most of the day pruned yesterday, from swimming all day. Will loved swimming around in the pool. It was a blast to watch him!

now we are about to watch some good old family videos. Thiese will be fun~ Tonight Katie and I are going to go to starbucks. This is the same starbucks that Katie and I went to on our first date FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY!! Wow time FLIES BY!!

Will had his first tooth pop out yesterday on my Moms birthday. It is really cool~ My Boy is groing up!!

Well, I am very sick. Last night I felt it come on. I have a horrible sore throat and a horrible congested head!

Well, I am going to enjoy my family so I will go for now. I will add more later!