Monday, September 22, 2008

Ready for another great week!

Time sure is flying by so fast! I cannot believe we are nearing the end of September! Wow!

Well this was a great week, I got a lot accomplished every day! That was nice. It was quite a productful week!

But that is the semi-boring stuff, so I will tell you about the fun stuff this week!

1. I FINALLY got my phone working with my outlook on my computer! It is so nice! I had to use a bluetooth connection to sync it all up. It took some time, but it is definitely worth it. (This helps by having both of my calendars and my tasks list sync'd together) NICE!!!

2. I got to go to Magic Kingdom with our faithful devotioneers!! We went on Saturday and had the best time! We met at the church at 6:15am and got back home at 12:30am. It was a FAST and LONG day!!

My favorite parts:
1. Both of my Pinapple Dole Whip Floats!!! If anyone learns how to make those I would be forever indebted to you!!

2. The spectromagic parade. (even though they changed the masks on the spectromen!!! I was/ am so sad about that! They just dont look as great anymore!!)

3. Space Mountain. Both times, but especially the second time when I rode in the front and when John got off the ride screaming to everyone that He pee'd his pants!! He really did! wow!

4. I enjoyed sleeping on the Carousel of Progress. It is a good ride, but I needed a nap!!

5. I had fun taking pictures with Mallory and Maddison and their glow sitcks.

6. I got to eat at my two favorite restaurants: Pecos Bill, and Cosmic Rays

7. I had fun convincing Alex beals to ride goofy's roller coaster in kitty land.

8. I had fun talking to some GREAT teenagers all the way home about really serious stuff!

9. I had fun watching the fireworks at the end of the day!! They were GREAT!!

10. I had fun putting my head on pillow when I got home! I was SO TIRED!!!

Well, That is probably my top ten list for what I enjoyed the most on Saturday! It was a great trip! I am excited about rewarding our teenagers again soon!

Well, I am off to work now! Pray for me this week! I want to have a VERY PRODUCTFUL WEEK!!!

Love you all! Lee


Godservant said...

My favorite part of the day besides going to sleep that night was when John peed his pants on Space Mountain! John, If you are reading this now, I am laughing with you not at you. :)

Mallory B (basketball team) said...

Wow Pastor Lee I had one of the best times with the youth group ever on this trip... I just wish that more people would be more faithful and do their devotions so that they can come with us next time!!! Here were the highlights of my trip...

1. The glowstick/cotton candy stick/rainbow, star, and heart stick! We had a great time experimenting how many fun things you can do with a glowstick! lol

2. Jon peeing his pants on space Mountain and me having to suffer by sitting behind him! (or the other way around because I screamed the whole ride in his ear!)

3. Me being scared of the haunted mansion workers because they WERE after me and hardly anyone else! lol I guess Im just not used to strange people holding their hand up in a fist and saying "do you have a problem with me?" It gave us a good laugh though especially when I ran half of Disney world trying to get away from that place! lol Also that was only the 2nd time we got on the ride... the 1st time there was a different man who came up and stood behind Jessica M. and me until we realized he was there! Sorry for stepping on your foot Rachel when we were in that very small room and I was trying to get away from that man! And if your reading this and were on the rewards trip please admit by now if it was you who slapped ny arm on the ride! lol We never figured that one out but maybe im just crazy!!!

anyways we had a great time on this rewards trip and I cant wait till the next!!! Do your devotions!!! (.com)

Mallory B (basketball team) said...

And yeah this clock is 3 hours off because right now its really 9:52. strange O well!